Thursday, April 30, 2015

Stranger in Home

We had just shifted to our new house.I was a stranger to a few things.Among them,one was the geyser in the bathroom.My father had told me how to operate the geyser.I would have to open the tap first and then switch on the geyser.And while switching it off,it had to be geyser first,and then the tap.I had to have my bath the next day as usual earl in the morning,still sleepy eyed,I switched on the geyser and waited for hot water.After a while.I noticed smoke coming out of the geyser.I shouted for help.My father came running and switched off the geyser.Since I was very young at that age, I was terrified when I saw the smoke.I knew something was wrong thankfully my father managed to pull me out of the bathroom in time.

About Crab Walking

It's easy for people to move their legs forward or backward. That's because of the way they're attached to the body. People's knees bend towards the front, and that also makes it easy to walk forward. But a crab's legs are attached to the sides of its body. And its joints, unlike our knees, bend so that the crab can walk sideways. That's why crabs walk the way they do. an we do it? Crabs have five legs on each side of their shell. The front pair are for grasping, and remaining four pairs are walking or swimming. Each leg has seven joints, arranged so that the crab walks sideways. Frog crabs and spider crabs however, have legs designed to enable them to walk forward.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Predicting likelihood

In predicting your likelihood of promotion, you may be better off focusing on the trends that are apparent in your job performance over time, rather than obsessing over minor, passing fluctuations. People around you are likely to need some help from you to take notice of fine-granted details in your life behaviors. "While we live our own lives under a microscope and we are present all the time when we do things, other people are not there with us," notes Ragu. "That's a problem for intuiting other people's thoughts because we tend to evaluate ourselves in much finer detail. We look at ourselves from the street view, whereas other people are looking at us from space." A two idiot explodes a sphere.

Edison's basement lab

Thomas Alva Edison, the famous inventor, built his first science laboratory in the basement of his home , at the age of 10! He would spend hours on end in his laboratory. Fed up of seeing him cooped up thus, his father would bribe him with a penny to go out. But he would use the penny to buy more chemicals for his experiments. Edison filed 1,093 patents, including those for the lights bulb, electric railways and the movie camera. When he died in 1931, he held 34 patents for the telephone, 141 for batteries, 150 for the telegraph and 389 patents for electric light and power.