This happened when I was two years old.My mother left me in the balcony for some time while she went about her chores.My brother was away at school and my father had gone to the bank.While playing I noticed a small round mirror had fallen off my mother's Saree as it dried on the washing line.I used to put everything in my mouth,the mirror was no exception.While I was chewing the mirror my father returned home and came to play with me in the balcony.When he saw I was chewing something,he asked me to open my mouth.My tongue was bleeding and my mouth was full of broken bits of mirror.My father called the doctor.The doctor told him to wash my mouth and give me two or three bananas.The mirror pieces stuck to the banana and passed out through the stools the next day.
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Saturday, November 30, 2013
Know About Submarine
A submarine has tanks inside. These are filled with water to make the sub sink. To make the sub rise, the tanks are emptied, making the sub lighter.Submarines have been used since the 18th century, but the first practical submarine was not Built until just prior to World war I. Today most submarines are in military service, but future plans call for the use of submarine oil tankers. Submarines submerge and surface by filling or emptying their sea water tanks, but they also control their depth with a horizontal rudder.
Phone From a Car
No one really knows if dinosaurs had voices. Maybe some did and others didn't. Hadrosaurs had a hollow in their head crest, and they may have trumpeted sounds through it almost the way an elephant uses its trunk. Sound leaves no visible record and so the question of whether dinosaurs could communicate may be the most difficult question of all. However, there is fossil evidence to show that the nostrils of Hadrosaurs were elongated. The hollow in the head crest might have acted as a kind of echo chamber; a noise formed in the throat trumpeted through the crest for identification of species, communication, mating and warnings. Parasaurolophus, or the archetypal Hadrosaaurus, was named the trombone duckbill because of its facial structure.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Snowboarding Information
In recent times most people across country love and enjoy snowboarding with their friends and colleagues. But for most people finding right place to find wide collection of quality, affordable and different categories of snowboards would be the most frustrating process. The easier way would be referring best online shopping store.
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